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9/10/2012 - Jackson, Miss.

Members of the Board Search Committee leading the search for the next president of The University of Southern Mississippi will hear from constituency groups in Campus Listening Sessions on Wednesday, September 19, 2012. The discussions will center on the qualities and qualifications stakeholders believe the next institutional executive officer should possess.

The Campus Listening Sessions will begin at 7:30 a.m. and conclude at 11:30 a.m. on the Hattiesburg Campus. Listening Sessions will also be held on the Gulf Park Campus from 3:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m. While all sessions are open to the public, each session focuses on the needs of a specific constituency group.

“Everyone is welcome to attend any session and stay for as many sessions as they would like,” said USM alumna Robin Robinson, Chair of the USM Board Search Committee. “The Board has designated specific times for each group to ensure that all voices have an opportunity to be heard, but the sessions are not limited only to those in that particular group. We hope to have great participation from all facets of the campus community.”

University of Southern Mississippi Presidential Search
Listening Sessions
Wednesday, September 19, 2012




7:30 a.m.

Community Leaders

Cochran Center, Room 216
121 West Memorial Drive
Hattiesburg, MS 39046

8:30 a.m.

President’s Cabinet

Cochran Center, Room 214

9:00 a.m.

Deans and Senior Program Officers Division Chairs and Department Heads

Cochran Center, Room 218

9:30 a.m.

Faculty and Staff*

Cochran Center, Room 218

10:00 a.m.


Cochran Center, Room 218

10:30 a.m.

Alumni and Foundations (USM, Athletic, Research) *

Cochran Center, Room 218

11:00 a.m.

Open Meeting for Campus and Community*

Cochran Center, Room 218




3:00 p.m.

USM Gulf Coast Students, Faculty and Staff

Fleming Education Center Auditorium
Gulf Park Campus
730 East Beach Blvd.
Long Beach, MS 39560

4:00 p.m.

USM Gulf Coast Alumni, Foundation and Community

Fleming Education Center Auditorium

*Sessions will be webcast.

For more information on the application process, visit the Parker Executive Search Web site.

For more information and to track progress on the presidential searches, visit the Mississippi Institutions of Higher Learning’s Web site.

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