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8/26/2010 - Jackson, Miss.

School counselors are often called upon to give advice. With a series of workshops offered this fall, counselors will have the opportunity to receive a lot of good advice. Representatives from the Mississippi Department of Education, the Mississippi Institutions of Higher Learning and the State Community College Board will work in conjunction with ACT to provide information to counselors during ACT’s 2010 College and Career Readiness Workshops.

“This is a great example of how all levels of education are working together to help prepare students for the future,” said Dr. Hank M. Bounds, Commissioner of Higher Education. “Counselors play an important role in helping students chart the courses of their lives and these workshops will provide counselors with great information and tools to help them fulfill this role.”

The workshops will provide school counselors with an excellent opportunity to learn of the latest ACT updates and how Mississippi's students are performing on the ACT. In addition, ACT will provide information on measuring college and career readiness and how having and using good data leads to timely intervention that can make all the difference.

“There is a great emphasis now in our state on easy transition of students between high schools, community colleges, and universities,” said Dr. Eric Clark, Executive Director of the State Community College Board.  “These workshops will provide counselors with valuable information about all of Mississippi’s educational systems that they can pass along to students.  That is a wonderful thing.”

The representatives from the Department of Education, the Institutions of Higher Learning and State Community College Board will conduct informational sessions at six of the eight workshops about various updates and initiatives in their respective educational sectors. At the remaining two workshops, PowerPoints of the presentations, along with contact information, will be provided to the individuals that attend those sites

“A very important goal of the Mississippi Department of Education is to ensure that school districts have the resources necessary to ensure that students are prepared for college or a career,” State Superintendent of Education Dr. Tom Burnham said.  “In addition to being great listeners and advisors, counselors also provide a great support system for students.  Workshops such as these provide counselors with appropriate information to help students make good decisions.” 

The topics that will be discussed include IHL 2012 Admission Requirements; Dual Enrollment; Academic Common Market; Virtual High School; Graduation Requirements; Virtual Community/Junior College; Available Resources and other on-going initiatives and activities. The forum is structured to provide time for open dialogue with counselors and other school leaders.

The Workshop dates include:
9/13/2010MoorheadMississippi Delta Community College*
9/14/2010StarkvilleMississippi State University*
9/15/2010BoonevilleNE Mississippi Community College**
9/16/2010SouthavenDeSoto Civic Center**
9/28/2010MeridianMeridian Community College*
9/29/2010RaymondHinds Community College*
9/30/2010HattiesburgUniversity of Southern Mississippi*
10/1/2010GulfportMS Gulf Coast Community College - Jefferson Davis Campus*
*Representatives from MDE, IHL and SBCJC will present information.
**PowerPoints of the presentation will be provided to the individuals that attend those sites along with contact information.

Counselors interested in participating may register at act.org.


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